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Message Copilot

Ensure consistent, high-quality communication and lightning-fast responses with saved replies and PPVs for your entire team.

Updated over a month ago

The Message Library supercharges your fan engagement by letting you create, save, and auto-complete responses, saving you time and effort while ensuring consistent, high-quality communication.

⚡️ You'll find yourself zipping through your chat sessions like never before.

Why is this helpful

If your chatters are free-flowing with their chatting, they often find themselves trying to reinvent the wheel with their messages. However, in many cases, this is not necessary and actually prevents you from sending attractive messages.

The Message Library makes it easy for your chatters to write the best responses as fast as possible.

How to use your Message Library

1. Avoid re-sending your messages

Easily identify previously sent messages in your Message Library. A line through the text indicates which messages have already been used with a subscriber, while also being able to can see which media or text was used.

This allows you to avoid reusing the same message, making sure your fans will never get the same message twice.

2. Auto-complete your message without opening your Library

As you start typing, you'll see the number of matching scripts appear based on your input. You can either select one from the list of suggestions or head directly to your Message Library to browse all available scripts.

3. Pre-build your PPVs with a caption for faster use

Have a perfect script in mind that pairs beautifully with media? We've got you covered!

As a Supercreator, it’s super easy to create new scripts and attach media to them. When the message is selected, the linked media will be available to send right away.

Here’s how:

  1. In your OnlyFans private chat, click on the Message Library icon.

  2. Tap the "+" icon to create a new Message.

  3. Choose "Add media from Vault" and select the media you’d like to attach.

  4. Add the text for your message.

  5. Set the price for your message, you can also set up the Personalized Pricing for our AI to automatically increase the price if it finds that the fan might pay more for it.

  6. Give your message a title, and for easy organization, place it in a folder.

Once saved, your media-attached script will be ready to send in OnlyFans!

4. Set Up or Edit Scripts

Creating and managing your Message Library is simple! You can easily organize messages into folders and even assign them to specific accounts if you manage more than one.

  1. On the Console, under the Message Library, you will find the following table:

  2. You can add a new script by pressing "New Message".

  3. Toogle AI Pricing on or off to specific messages (that include media) in order to have our AI tool overwrite your pricing and increase it when possible!

  4. You can also make it so a message is assigned to specific accounts or all of them in the "Accounts" column, in your Messages table. Double click it to access and assign the message to the desired accounts.

  5. And to delete a script, hover over the number and select it - then hit "Delete".

5. Adding your existing scripts

You can paste your existing scripts from another table or file (like Excel, Google Sheets, etc.). Before you start, make sure to open as many empty rows as you copied to fit everything in.

Then, just click on +New Message and fill in the details of your script. Here, you can assign the accounts that will have access to it, add the text, set a title, and organize it by adding the script to a folder.

6. Using a fan's name

We recommend you add a fan's custom nickname to your messages for more personal chatting.

The fan's custom nickname is the name you enter in the CRM:

Insert {name} in the text section of your script to replace it with the fan's name when sending the message.

Don't forget to set a general fallback name (e.g. babe or honey) in case the fan doesn't have a custom name yet.

If the fan doesn’t have a CRM name set, but has a custom name in OnlyFans, we take the first name from there. This same feature works differently in Bump Message Online Fans, and you can check out how it works here.

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